Thursday, May 28, 2015

Homework 2

Dear Students,

First of all, welcome to my class and to Ole Miss. Some of you I already know and others I look forward to getting to know. This is a reading and writing course so you will be writing often. I apologize now for all the homework that you have to do, but this is a summer intensive course and so I have to fit in so much in so little time. I hope you understand. Having said that tonight's homework is as follows:

Read: Select and read an online news article about one of your countries from your assigned region. You may use the list of sources from class to find an appropriate article. It must be an American source please.

Write: Write and upload Blog1: one paragraph that summarizes and one paragraph that expresses your opinion relating to the online news article that you read. Please include the link to your article so that I can refer to it.

Happy Writing!!!


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Welcome to Ole Miss Homework 1

Dear Class,

     Welcome to Ole Miss and to the United States I hope you enjoy your stay here! I am excited about this upcoming summer semester and we will work hard and also have fun. Hot Toddy!


1. Define key terms from unit 1 on page 39. On a separate sheet of paper you will define terms and turn in next class meeting.

2. Read pages 1-21